
Day Five

Work has become crazy long enough. So much to do and so little time. The backlog of amds, mrgs, convs, etc are driving my co-worker crazy. She likes all the work to be done and gone by the end of the day. I keep telling her it's like the dinner dishes but lately there are way too many dishes and they're piling up. She likes that restaurant game on fb. Too bad she can't just wash them all away.

Then there's the D-Man who's gonna have a knee replaced next week. He's tired of the pain but hesitant about the surgery and recovery and since he's D-Man, he's gotta let someone else run the roost while he's gone. Hey! An uneventful surgery and smooth recovery is way more important than any little (or big) drama that pops up at work. Besides, there are plenty of bosses and boss-wanna-be's around to take care of it.

Today I had to cancel a podiatry appt. for my dad. Hated to do that but my poor honey was feeling pretty awful. The pod clinic is only open on Tuesdays and I work Tuesdays. I don't work Fridays. Why can they have the clinics on Friday? blah, blah, blah.

Good thing my honey is feeling better tonight. We enjoyed some
killer pizza that hit the spot!! Thanks honey!! I get home so late from work and there's not much time to spend w/my family.
Hope everyone else is ok tonight.
Sweet dreams...

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