
Day Four

So I found an article about a mixed-media artist who blogs every day in January. I thought all the time I waste on Facebook I could use to blog every day in January. So then I missed the second day because I spent it shopping and watching movies with my family until way too late.

Anyway, so today, the teenager informs me she has to do a poster with the results from her science experiment she was supposed to start several weeks ago. It's due in two days. She wanders over to the computer and promptly resorts to google to find a science project (due in two days). This is what she finds: "The 5 Scientific Experiments Most Likely to End the World" http://www.cracked.com/article_16583_p1.html (warning: there are some four-letter words hiding in the text of this article)

Not Pictured: Life

I doubt she'll find her science project (due in two days) within this article. And if she does? It may cause the end of the world and it won't matter anyway.

Back to work was relatively smooth and uneventful, thank heavens. Mostly doing data entry of documents with 12/31/09 or 01/01/2010 effective dates. My girls are back to school as well. The end of this quarter is in a couple of weeks. The tween is having homework issues. Bright and beautiful she is ... but focused she is not.

Time to finish laundry, feed the cats, gather family for prayers and off to dreamland.

Goodnight and God bless.

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